Request Dielines

Your Blueprint to Formatting Success

When preparing a book for printing, one term you’ll frequently encounter is “dieline.” While it might sound technical, a dieline is simply a guide used during the design and production process to ensure your book’s layout, dimensions, and artwork align perfectly with the finished product. Whether you’re printing a children’s board book, a novel, or a comic book, understanding dielines is essential to creating a polished, professional-looking book.

What Is a Dieline?

PufferPrint Dieline Sample

A dieline is a digital template that shows the exact dimensions and placement of your book’s design elements, such as the cover, spine, and flaps. It serves as a blueprint for your book’s printing, trimming and binding—marking critical areas like:

  • Trim Lines: Indicate where your book’s pages, cover, and dust jacket will be cut to their final size.
  • Bleed Area: Extends beyond the trim line to ensure artwork, background colors, and illustrations reach the edge without leaving unwanted white borders. (More info on bleed and margin)
  • Folds and Creases: Mark where your digital files will be folded to create the spine, hinges, and other components of the book’s cover (and dust jacket if you have requested one).

Requesting Dielines for Your Book

When you print with PufferPrint, we’ll provide you with a set of custom dielines tailored to your book’s exact specifications. This template will show all the essential markings for your book’s interior pages, the cover, and any additional components of your print project like a dust jacket, slip case, or other packaging.

There are 3 ways to request you custom PufferPrint dielines:

  1. If you have already received a quote then simply respond to that email and let us know you’re ready for your dielines. If you have not already requested a quote, head on over to our quote form and get a free quote for your print project!
  1. Email us at and ask us to send you your dielines.
  1. Fill out the form below and we’ll send you your dielines:
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