Successful Kickstarter Campaign: What Happens Next

Congrats on Your Successful Kickstarter Campaign! What Happens Next?

1. Show Me the Money

If your project is successfully funded, the funds pledged will be debited directly from your backers’ cards. There is a 14 calendar day window following your project’s deadline where we will be collecting and processing the pledges. After the 14 days have passed, your payout will be initiated.

Depending on your financial institution, it could take an additional 3-14 business days from this point for the funds to appear in your account.

2. Deliver on Your Promised Rewards

When a project is successfully funded, the creator is responsible for completing the project and fulfilling each reward to the best of their abilities. Their fundamental obligation to backers is to:

  1. Finish all the work that was promised
  2. Honestly address backers’ concerns
  3. Deliver rewards

3. Send Your Book to the Printer

When you start your Kickstarter Campaign, submit your book files to get a digital or physical proof. Physical proofs are the best way to see the quality of your printer. Plus, adding photos of the physical proof and video of the book can help backers to see the value of your book increasing your chances of being successful.

Print on demand and offset printing have huge differences in quality and price. You can read more about the differences here (The Advantages of Offset Printing).

For Kickstarter Campaigns with tight delivery deadlines, you can split ship your books so your backers get them faster via Air, and the bulk of your order can arrive later via ship. This helps to keep your costs down so you can be more profitable overall.

  • Digital (Soft) Proof: 2 days
  • Physical (Hard) Proof: 3 weeks
  • Final Edits/Approvals: 1-2 day
  • Production: (~21 days)
  • Shipping – Sea shipping: 6-8 weeks OR Air shipping: 2 weeks
  • Mailing to backers: Plan a few days to pack and ship your orders to backers, include extra time if you included extras, personalized notes, etc.

3. Pack and Ship Your Book and Kickstarter Rewards to Backers

There’s always a chance something could happen that prevents the creator from being able to finish the project as promised. When it comes to shipping in particular, we find most rewards are delivered as promised. However, it’s important to realize that some projects might hit some speed bumps, including postal mishaps for domestic shipping. In these cases, we recommend keeping good communication with your backers by updating them regularly.


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